Is A New Normal Possible … ?

Sanjay Dutt – History of drug addiction. Convicted for being an accessory to the most destructive bomb explosions in an Indian metropolis which killed 257 & injured 715. Saved only because of political patronage. Still considered a ‘star’…..

Salman Khan – History of violence towards women. Charged for killing an endangered animal. Charged for drunk driving that killed one & injured four pavement dwellers. Still considered a ‘star’…..

Shashi Tharoor – Couldn’t rebut accusations of having personally benefited from an IPL bid.Accused by his wife of an extra marital affair with a Pakistani journalist during his tenure as MoS, HRD Ministry.Suspected in the murder of the same wife. Cutting ribbons, launching books. Still an eminent member of the Congress Party …..

PC Chidambaram – Accused of humongous corruption during his tenures of HM & FM. ED & CBI have requested courts for custodial interrogation. With a dubiously contested election behind him he lectures a PM who came to power with a thumping mandate & insults our intelligence with his regular sanctimonious pontifications. Still an eminent member of the Congress Party.…

Abhishek Singhvi – Whose illustrious law career was displayed on the floor of his chambers, against his book cabinet for the entire country to see. Still a spokesperson of the Congress Party.…

Sonia Gandhi – Mothership of corruption, out on bail. With no known source of income, draped in silk & shahtoosh, feted at conclaves. Lives a life of luxury behind high walls in India & in undisclosed locations around the world. Still the Chairperson of the Congress Party….

Lalu Prasad Yadav – Convicted for USD 510 million fodder scam. Spends his time in private wards of hospitals because of ‘ill health’ or out on bail for one of his numerous offspring’s wedding. Yet  our media insults us, law abiding citizens by seeking his opinion on matters politique & reputed journalists opine that his rustic sense of humour excuse his crimes. Still the President of RJD a major alliance partner of the Opposition …..

Celebrity journalists & anchors have lobbied cabinet posts for amenable politicians. Not the usual Lutyens hearsay but on tape. Some continue to show their empathy for terrorists & anti nationals. They report from terror attack sites as if they are reporting back to the handlers of these attackers. 

They’ve also encouraged & spread rumours from their studios with what seems an intention to cause civil strife. Unverified, unsubstantiated headlines are splashed across national newspapers with no fear of repercussions.

Professionalism, unbiased reporting, domain expertise are terms quite alien to our media. No doubt they’re scrambling for space because of an aggressive SM pushback but we must ask why are they still conducting book launches, talks & are beamed into our homes day after day…?

Our own acceptance of the morally & ethically bankrupt is reflected in our society. Nothing will change till our voice is heard loud & clear – A demand for a New Normal.

The count down should have started ticking yesterday but it can still – NOW !
