Fear That Ignites A Furnace


Fear That Ignites A Furnace

In some quarters there is a visceral hatred that can be cut with a knife. 

Since May 2014, family, friendships, WhatsApp groups, television debates are divided into a warring, cantankerous two. 
People who had never been heard discussing politics except mildly tch tch-ing over zeros in UPA scams, Sonia Gandhi’s delectable table or her envied collection of sarees, were suddenly experts on everything. 

It seemed India, the land of milk and honey till yesterday, was now suddenly besieged with intolerance, communalism, regressiveness and fascism by the ‘Hindutva types’.

Along with Narendra Modi who won an impressive mandate, a large section of this country was also tarred by the same brush of hate. 
The derisive Bhakt spat on faces. 

According to them, 2014 exposed monstrous traits that till recently we did not possess or at least, that had been controlled and suppressed by our so called superior intellectual elite. 

As it became more evident that the hem-kissers of the Ancien Regime were no longer required to impart their valuable experience and advice, the reality of the new dispensation struck home. 

A certain hysterical anger since, has engulfed well-appointed drawing rooms, golf courses, discreet corners of much sought after old club bars and of course, soundproof television studios.

In any half decent democracy, it is understood that the new administration brings in its own people and old ones resign or are eased out. 
But here perhaps from the time of the Moguls or at least from the days of the Raj, a segment of people has believed themselves to be the repository of all wisdom, hence influence, and they have remained entrenched no matter who was in office. 

Deeply established in the corridors of power and social registry from sons to grandsons, from daughters to granddaughters married into one large incestuous cesspool of same schools, colleges, private clubs and even hill station homes, till a toe hold in Goa became au courant.  

For them, every success of Narendra Modi’s government is a dagger that personally twists their innards and that further renders them inconsequential. 

Needless to say, every misstep is met with a howl of glee. 

But besides their irrelevance with which they have to deal with every day, if they possessed some character, some integrity perhaps, the dilemma of who they actually are, would confront them every night. 

Having spent a large part of the last two centuries, working hard to please new Masters by distancing themselves from this vast land and its unwashed masses, they stood apart in identity, culture and language.
However, in the steadfast belief that once the invaders and colonisers departed it was their birth right alone, to rule or at least have the ear of the ruler.

Imagine that moment when you are more Sahib, than the Gora Sahib with generations having greased that path and a man with none of the markers that you seek, but with an astounding endorsement takes over to lead the world’s largest democracy.
Definitely not to the manor born but comfortable in his own skin -
never having been apologetic for who he was or is. 

Pure incendiary!

With three simple gestures related to an organic root he touched the core of this Nation and brought to naught what these people had proclaimed for years was taboo...
And the awestruck effect was right there for us to see.

Before entering Parliament, in deep respect, touching his forehead to its steps,
during the course of the day a dip in Holy Ganga and the Maha Aarti in the evening, commemorating electoral victory.

In those few emblazoned moments, the mirror in which they saw themselves shattered and the angry splinters pierce every discourse since then.

The fact that stand-up comics, tuppence worth film stars and the urban educated believe it necessary to use this lexicon- intolerance, communalism, regressiveness and fascism by the ‘Hindutva types’.-
 to gain entrance at the gate of the hallowed set, is only indicative of depth of their argument and the corrosiveness they take pride in.

Below the many acquired layers, perhaps a few do fear they are not very different from the ones they disdain - The Vernacular, the Provincial and the Pagan!

The deep ingraining versus a concealed reality.
For all their affectations and accents from by-gone eras they expose sometimes a parochial pride in caste, regionalism, faith (yes that’s the tough one) camouflaged with nomenclatures of Martial Race and whatnot. 

The rage and ugly snobbery over accent, clothes, even the country’s numerous successes of the past seven years cannot cover up the very ‘shunyata’ of their problem. 

Who are they after all? 
When not in power, are they of this country?
Or simply passing merchants with no connection or even affection for the people and the well-being of this land?

Moreover, is this unique only to India?  
In other countries, albeit erstwhile colonies do public intellectuals, historians, authors, judges, bureaucrats with loyalty to previous administrations, leaders of a different ideology, work against national interest?
Speak on behalf of a country the nation is in dispute with?
Invite a foreign head of state to intervene in our internal matters?
Cast doubts, fake news, push unsubstantiated reports during the CAA Protests, Delhi Riots, Farmers’ Protest, our vaccine initiative, in the midst of a raging pandemic and now, unforgivably on suffering and death?

It is this fight within them, a nowhere-ness behind the mask, that makes them very dangerous. 

~Integrity without knowledge is weak
And useless,
And knowledge without integrity 
Is dangerous 
And dreadful~
Samuel Johnson

Fear That Ignites A Furnace


  1. Brilliant as always. Pleasure reading this.

  2. Very well summarised. These darbaris are not at all interested in growth of our country. Their only purpose of life is to enjoy perks and privileges, amass wealth through illegal means and when things become extremely difficult for them to survive, move to the safe havens abroad ,where they have already bought alternative abides.

  3. I hope at least some Lutyenites read this. It will ruin their day. But I very much doubt the 'passing merchants' at the top of the heap will do so. The mom can't read, the son can't comprehend.

  4. Once again. Brilliance and then some 🙏🙏🇮🇳

  5. Wonderful read.

    Are young people seeing the issues of character building, integrity, our heritage etc the way Swami Vivekananda did ?

    It is very disheartening to see youngsters today looking up to the west for standards. You hear "feeling blessed" so often. Many don't believe in God or elders, where do blessings come to them from ? And they say 'karma is a bitch ' whatever that means.

    So, naturally , they find our PM abnormal. And not surprisingly many find people like Rahul Gandhi cool.

    But some kind of awareness is taking place. Hope it sustains.

  6. The sentences that stirred me "Who are they after all?
    When not in power, are they of this country?"
    Quite insightful questionable. While aspiring for power is quite legitimate, but we see the shallowness of those aspirants who, without qualms turn against the very nation that they want them to elect.
    Not just scathing, but a soul stirring piece from @NAN_DINI

  7. Brilliant. Articulated so well and I am sure resonates among a majority of Indians. It did for me.

  8. Dropped into your blog via one of my known people's WhatsApp forward. May sound cliched but you hit the nail on the head, Nandini. I could resonate so well. These are both a fact and truth too!

  9. Very well written Nandini. The fact is they feel like the Dhobi ka Kutta - neither part of the erstwhile elite nor any relevant part of the new dispensation. Indifference is worse than hate. They are experience indifference ... no one cares about what they think/do. Regards, Bindu Krishnan

    1. Thank you.
      True, indifference is worse than hate & thanks to SM we have now seen them for who they actually are.
      However, their ability to cause unrest must never be underestimated.

  10. As I read on, I remembered my Dad, he had said akin to your superb discourse five decades ago, a close compatriot of SC Bose, he left the country in disgust at MKGs utter stupidity and servility to Brits & Nehrus.
    Brilliant Behn.

  11. A hard-hitting piece. One that, I am sure, will shame the name-droppers and stuffed-shirts, should they have the courage to read it rather than speed-read it.
    While recognising their nuisance value and propensity to disrupt and dispense disinformation, it is encouraging that we are closing ranks to protect our identity, our heritage and indeed our lands.

    1. Thank you and yes I agree that we must continue to stand together, chip away, call them them out and reduce whatever little credibility left to naught.

  12. A hard-hitting piece. One that, I am sure, will shame the name-droppers and stuffed-shirts, should they have the courage to read it rather than speed-read it.
    While recognising their nuisance value and propensity to disrupt and dispense disinformation, it is encouraging that we are closing ranks to protect our identity, our heritage and indeed our lands.

  13. Having run out of expressions, all I wish to say is that you are indeed endowed with that rare combination of a penetrating insight and felicity of expression to call out these fossils like none else. More power to you.

  14. Even more strange and scary is the next generation of the young, who blindly follow comedians and instagram rather than read news or build any knowledge about the country they would leave in a heartbeat if given a chance. Proudly saying we are a-political and vote NOTA/ don't vote.

    1. It is intriguing to say the least. And to think they are mostly the privileged ones...

    2. Agree with you Geetika and it is worrisome. Why them even the educated lot don't go to vote and the only power we have to have a leader who puts Nation First is by voting enblock for NaMo

  15. Good afternoon Mam, very well articulated piece. Hope Darbari breed of people get some sense after going thru ur blog. Afterall, we are a democracy, not any throne or kingdom for heirs as also one should pay back to nation after enjoying the perks & privileges for generations. Bravo

  16. It's Brilliant. So nicely summarized 'them'.

  17. Written as it is. Analysed very clearly and lucidly.
    Look forward to your writings.

  18. Wonderfully articulated, Nandini. To put it frankly I don't think even in power they had any feelings for the country. So to expect it when not in power is as good as chasing mirage.

  19. I will not say it is brilliant, because your every article is.
    However I did not like Modi to prostrate before the temple of democracy. Because we have seen behavior of the members inside. It is no more full of aroma. It stinks.

    1. I would think he was in his way, raising the bar. Reminding us that it was indeed a temple of democracy....


  20. Excellent writeup showing mirror to these lackeys of dynasty. This incestuous cabal is acting like hyenas, as evident in the diatribe against cova xin, kumbh but silent on arhtiyas blocking roads.

  21. Each time I read your posts, I think this is the best so far !! More power to your thoughts and to your pen

  22. Nice to see a precise and unambiguous articulation of what’s sadly happening. If only people would just read the last quote and introspect we would achieve a lot. Well done !!

  23. It is an excellent article giving an insight in to that exclusive class of people who are scared and unnerved ever since Modi arrived on the scene. What scares them and what sends the shivers up their spine has been understood better than ever before.

  24. It is an excellent article giving an insight in to that exclusive class of people who are scared and unnerved ever since Modi arrived on the scene. What scares them and what sends the shivers up their spine has been understood better than ever before.

  25. It is an excellent article giving an insight in to that exclusive class of people who are scared and unnerved ever since Modi arrived on the scene. What scares them and what sends the shivers up their spine has been understood better than ever before.

  26. Simply Superb! Kudos Ms Bahri.

  27. Absolutely brilliant, the so called exclusive class feeling left out due to the hands down approach being adopted for crisis management

  28. Wonderful, Nandini! Thank you and please do continue to express the unexpressed. 🙏

  29. Amazing, Excellent ...Your writings are so powerful, meaningful and everytime it hit to the core of the issues. Always waiting for next from you. 🙏🇮🇳, Stay healthy stay safe.

  30. Apart from the gold standard of the content, so well-articulated too! Many thanks to my cousin who shared this....to think I may have missed it otherwise. Will share further and, of course, read everything you write from now on....

  31. Brilliant analysis of these so called liberals! Their detachment from mainstream is beautifully enunciated. The angst and hatred towards Modi and all things Hindutva is because their 'entitlement' is corroded, their 'intellectualism' called out as psycophancy. But they'll not relent...they've been hit hard and let's not underestimate them...the enemy within is more lethal.

  32. Thought provoking write up.
    It's indeed a fact, the class which hold on to the power for decades and taken it granted as their right for succcessive generations too, are not able to believe that for two successive terms they are out of power. Brazenly, they have stooped to the lowest level of criticism against all government's policies since last two years and misguided people resulting in delay in inoculation against pandemic due to casting doubts on home grown vaccine. Vultures taking pride while countrymen dying.

  33. What an awesome piece Nandini, so eloquently written. I myself am a product of Cathedral School and St. Xaviers College and an MBA, to top it I’m a Parsi the most minuscule minority community. Many of my friends can’t just believe that I fully back the current Government. They spit out venom and I’m not as eloquent as you to to respond with such a pithy article.
    So thank you Nandini, I will keep this lovely piece to send to them when I get those hate-filled WhatsApp forwards.
    May you keep writing......
    Kind Regards Homi Mulla

    1. Thank you so much 🙏🏼
      Your appreciation of my writing keeps me motivated.

  34. What an awesome piece Nandini, so eloquently written. I myself am a product of Cathedral School and St. Xaviers College and an MBA, to top it I’m a Parsi the most minuscule minority community. Many of my friends can’t just believe that I fully back the current Government. They spit out venom and I’m not as eloquent as you to to respond with such a pithy article.
    So thank you Nandini, I will keep this lovely piece to send to them when I get those hate-filled WhatsApp forwards.
    May you keep writing......
    Kind Regards Homi Mulla

  35. Excellent, Nandini. A beautifully written piece, bringing out with great lucidity the thoughts of most Indians today.
    We need reforms in our bureaucracy the way New Zealand did. Soon after throwing off the yoke of the British Rule they realised that the bureaucracy was only ensuring the continuation of the ways and practices of their previous masters whilst ensuring survival of their own domination over all matters of governance as well as feathering their own nest. They decided that induction into the lower bureaucracy would continue but induction into the higher bureaucracy (the equivalent of our IAS) would be modified - while two third would be through the prevalent system of competitive exams one third would be through lateral induction from academia, the professions (eg doctors, engineers, CAs, CSs etc), corporate and business etc. It was also decided that this ratio would be gradually brought to a 50:50 level. I think they are already at that level for a few decades. The present dispensation in our country tried that but the handful that were inducted laterally may have been rendered ineffective by the sheer weight of numbers against them!
    Major Ashim Choudhury

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Major Choudhury. Yes, this country desperately needs Judicial & Police Reforms & a complete overhauling of the bureaucracy. Till the last vestiges of colonialism are not removed we will continue to limp and do great injustice to the potential of this land and people.

  36. Well said, but we need to hammer such people out, so that India doesn't ever fall in their hands again ! Let's get together and work it out soon....

  37. Very aptly, tersely and boldly written.

  38. I'm not surprised that Old Establishment is trying every vicious trick to bring down this Govt. I think 2024 is their last bet and they will use everything they can to defeat Modi. I'm expecting more protests, violence, riots.
    Only thing that gives me confidence is that the Man at the helm is not easy to rattle. He is calm and assured.

    Brilliant blog, Nandini Ji.
    I've become admirer of your writing.

  39. One of the best, perhaps one of the most effective narratives I've read in recent times. I concede, the content is immaculately dressing up the context that prevails. Indeed, the displeased lot of intellectuals, artists, media personnels, freelance bloggers, political opportunists and dynastic bootlickers -- this conglomerate continue to remain a bone of contention. Post 2019, their iniquitous objective has been nothing less than instigating a civil war. Knowing that a recapture of their political identity is diminished for good more or less after the emphatic 2019 electoral victory of NaMo, the only agenda up their sleeve is initiate civil strife and disobedience. That has been somewhat successful so to speak with the sponsored , goaded, conspired and executed CAA and Farmers riots with the help of anti national forces like SDPI, PFI and Khalistanis. Additionally, they also have this social media troops who hurl lies after lies on every platforms available, inciting, provoking and demeaning everything that is for Nation building. Even the ongoing pandemic is being labelled as inherited by NaMo Government because of its inefficacious policies, procedures and execution. Just today I saw a distasteful and uncharitable Tweet by the famous Papri Z Banerjee -- who was arrested and let off for he insulting and derogatory post on our Armed Forces post the Pulwama attack. These are the elements that cause and stir up ruckus.

    Anyway, inspired by your wonderful blog I got carried away. I take liberty to tweet it. And do look forward to many blogs in future too.

  40. सब सालों को नंगा कर दिया....🤣🤣


    अच्छे से धो ड़ाला 🙏🙏

    मार डाला .....🤤😪🥵🤧🥶

    (My apologies for the language Ma'am..... but couldn't resist) https://t.co/FKjMarp3dO

  41. Forwarded the blog to all my contacts.....

    Without your permission NBD

  42. As many have rightly articulated, it is scary looking at the young generation. If they were transported overnight to a western country, they would fit in from day 1. But they wouldn't fit in most parts of India outside their gated communities, having lived and grown up here. ... And worse, I don't know how to not have my son grow up into exactly that kind :(

    1. At some time or the other that is a dilemma that has visited us all. However, open discussion, conversation & a non judgemental space sans guilt tripping makes it somewhat easier to penetrate youthful confirmation bias.

  43. Brilliant show of blind love for Modi.

    1. Better than the blind love towards RG and others ....lol

    2. Blind is blind, who ever it may be. Lol notwithstanding.

  44. U nailed it .. congress and the likes including the liberandus aare more dangerous in opposition than being in power ....

  45. अक्षरशः सत्यम् ।
    How "they must be suffering & burning". And rightly so!

  46. Illiterate. Why not in Hindi.
    Please help
    Quotes from our Veda Puranas

  47. An article quite close to facts, that have already been realised by many in past.

    In reply to a comment you've written, "we should not under estimate their power", which is true.

    Today a lot is happening because forces are actively trying to obstruct target, divert attention or turn 'मुमकिन' to 'नामुमकिन'.

    Hope our faith, vision & mission keeps every Indian united & aware.

    Thanks for sharing.

  48. Nicely articulated.. the educated and not so educated but could write with logic found their place among the coterie.. and could throw around their influence till 2014 happened.. the coterie which now is out of place use their abilities in a destructive manner which you appropriately brought out with saying of Samuel Johnson...

  49. Great read. The hate NaMo and consequently the blurring of line of difference between Hating a person or party and Nation took place after Demonetisation decision was announced on 08 Nov 2016. The looters and the power that be suddenly realized the common man was with the decision taken and was happy that all those who were making money by loot and plunder will be now fall in line. There was no protests by the common citizen of this country. Hereafter, to get back to relevance all left liberals, the pseudoes, the Khan Market gangs started uniting... Every act of the govt was to be protested. You say if these people must be thinking in the night about which side are they on - I don't think so. They have sold their soul for power in what ever form. You have so aptly asked that When out of power are they of this country. To my mind they will do anything to get Modi out of power. NaMo is our last hope to get this country our lost prenstine glory and the Western powers are also worried that the thunder is being stolen by NaMo - he individually emerging as World Leader and bringing India on the World Power Map. While we are happy for once we have a Leader with 56 inches, who irrespective of what opposition says continues with what he feels is good for the nation but on the other hand in the number game with 20 percent Muslim Votes and a study of voting pattern by Hindus in Bengal will indicate how we don't vote enblock. To add to this the new generation not much interested in politics of the day and hardly reading news papers.. it will be an uphill task for NaMo to come to power. I hope I am proved wrong We need NaMo. We all need to be proactive in spreading the Nation First approach NaMo is following and vote enblock for him.

  50. Unlucky lion for quite a few-demonetisation, GST, 2 cyclones, CAA, NRC, Article 370, Pandemic, Farmer Protest, OROP, Shaheem Bagh protests, Chinese border debacle, 36 Rafale purchase, labour marches a rather long list of incidents smacking of high handed, arbitary decision making. We need alternatives

  51. An exceptional thread as always. You are absolutely right the cosy club of dynasts existed in every sphere with congress in (mis)ruling this nation to likes of Chandrachuds and many in Judiciary to "menons" in foreign service ( three generation in independent India itself)and most powerful NSA positions to leftists of Pronoy Roy club in media space etc etc. These vultures, like scavengers, pounced on the left over of Raj and turned themselves in to "Brown sahibs" with Nehru adding flavour of Edwina and Rajiv Gandhi adding Italian bar flavour to believe themselves to be "Phoren sahibs"

  52. Wonder how I missed reading this earlier. Very well analysed the dilemma that group faces.
    Pankaj Prakash

  53. I am speechless,what a writer you are and what clarity of thought. Even in a thousand years I cannot imsgine writing anything this awesome. Wow just wow.
    Take a bow Ma'am.


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